Godmother Captions for Instagram

230+ Best Godmother Captions for Instagram [Perfect]

Godmother Captions for Instagram
If you are looking for the best Godmother Captions then this is for you. Here is a huge collection of the best Godmother Captions for Instagram. When you post godmother pictures on Instagram you need some perfect captions. Because posts are incomplete without captions.

We have collected the best Godmother Captions from various sources for you. Perfect captions can express your emotions through words. And make all kinds of social posts look amazing.

So choose the best Godmother Captions from here. Enjoy the beautiful life by saving your precious time.

Godmother Captions for Instagram

  • sometimes, the littlest things take up the most room in your heart. — winnie the pooh
  • everyone of us has chosen a godmother or godfather.
  • godmothers are the protectors of souls.
  • a godmother’s gift is strength and devotion. she is family and friend tied together with a beautiful bow.
  • be guided by spirit and not driven by ego.
  • “godmotherhood is a journey filled with love, laughter, and endless memories.”
  • “my godchild, my pride and joy #godmothergoals”
  • “my godchild is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
  • “wishing you a day that is just like you want it to be.”
  • we feel blessed to have been chosen to be godparents. thank you for this honor
  • “my godchild: the reason i smile every day.”
  • “godmotherhood: watching a child grow and become their own person is a beautiful thing.”
  • the best aunts aren’t substitute parents, they’re co-conspirators. — daryl gregory, harrison squared
  • amazing godmothers become fairy godmothers.
  • “godmotherhood: creating memories that will last a lifetime.”
  • i’d be lying if i said i didn’t shed a tear when you asked me to be a godparent. i am truly blessed to be thought of for such a position. thank you so much
  • i never dreamed i would be a super cool aunt, but here i am rocking it.
  • life has ups and downs; but through it all, i get to watch this beautiful child grow and help them change the world.
  • godmothers are practically perfect. they even have “god” in their name.
  • “my godchild has my heart, always and forever.”
  • “i am blessed to be my godchild’s cheerleader, friend, and guide.”
  • life is about more than now. it’s about the times we’ve shared and the moments that define our lives.
  • i found that the godmother’s position is to take care of the morals of the child.
  • maybe she was being so hoity-toity because she didn’t have her own fairy godmother. ~ charlaine harris
  • “being a godmother is a journey of love and laughter #godmotherblessed”
  • there are no magics or elves / or timely godmothers to guide us. we are lost, must / wizard a track through our own screaming weed.
  • i used to just be the cool sister. now i’m also the cool aunt.
  • the public has become my fairy godmother.
  • you have a special future ahead of you but i’m so proud of everything you’ve done so far. keep going – from your loving godmother/father
  • do i love being the cool aunt? you bet giraffe.
  • people called me the godmother of punk, but i never name myself anything.
  • jesus follows us on instagram
  • “oh fairy godmother where are you? i have been waiting for you you never show for me.”
  • a godmother is a precious gift from heaven. her love is a guiding light in even the darkest times.

Best Godmother Captions for Instagram

  • if i were a fairy godmother, i would give you your heart’s desire in an instant. and i would wipe away your tears and tell you not to cry.
  • an aunt is a safe haven for a child. someone who will keep your secrets and is always on your side. — sara sheridan
  • a godmother is a little bit friend and a little bit parent. no matter what comes your way, they are always there for you.
  • my deceased grandmother on my mom’s side was a real fairy godmother, who lived to be 102 and who i always feel is looking after me.
  • “godmothering is a special journey and i am so thankful for it.”
  • just believe that you can do it, i promise you will do it.
  • “my godchild is my source of endless joy #godmotherpride”
  • i am touched and honored to be a godparent to ______. thank you
  • there’s nothing little about the light you shine.
  • “watching my godchild grow is one of life’s greatest pleasures #godmotherblessed”
  • always a godmother, never a mother. that sucks. i’ve got to get me one of those little accessories.
  • i was born to be the cool aunt.
  • there’s this boy… he kinda stole my heart. he calls me auntie.
  • “a godchild is a blessing, a reminder of god’s love #godmotherpride”
  • “my deceased grandmother on my mom’s side was a real fairy godmother, who lived to be 102 and who i always feel is looking after me.”
  • keep your heels, head, and standard high
  • only an aunt can give hugs like a mother, keep secrets like a sister, and share love like a friend.
  • “my godchild is a blessing in my life and i am forever grateful.”
  • “i am grateful for my godchild and all the happiness they bring.”
  • “being a godmother is one of the greatest joys in my life.”
  • are you sure you want me as a godparent? only joking! i’m so honored
  • “my godchild: a little piece of my heart living outside of my body.”
  • “the key to happiness-as any good fairy godmother will tell you-is not to avoid problems, but to overcome them.” – janette rallison
  • godmothers hold your hand and your heart on life’s journey.
  • “being a godmother means watching [godchild’s name] grow into the person they were meant to be.”
  • “i am so proud of my godchild and all their accomplishments.”
  • bae: best aunt ever.
  • “i love my godchild with every beat of my heart.”
  • “my godchild is my little ray of sunshine.”
  • “i grew up with a tribe of amazing women, but certainly my mother and my godmother really modeled women as actors.” – laura dern
  • i was a teenage godmother. ~ theresa may

Godmother Captions for Instagram

Funny Godmother Captions for Instagram

  • being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
  • i think, at a child’s birth if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.
  • “her godmother simply touched her with her wand, and, at the same moment, her clothes were turned into cloth of gold and silver, all decked with jewels.”
  • if you’ve got it, aunt it.
  • “a little bit of heaven in my arms #godchildlove”
  • “my godchild is my reason to smile every day #godmotherlife”
  • you are a blessed woman and i am a blessed godchild because of who you are and what you do.
  • “my godchild is my sunshine on a cloudy day.”
  • not only am i proud to be a godparent but i am so proud of my godson/goddaughter and all they’ve achieved
  • “godmotherhood: a bond that will last a lifetime.”
  • “i’m a godmother, that’s a great thing to be, a godmother. she calls me god for short, that’s cute, i taught her that.”
  • “may the blessing of god fill your day and your life! that’s been and will always be my prayer for you, godmother.”
  • you are always remembered. i could never forget someone so kind and caring.
  • “being a godmother is the greatest gift i could ever ask for.”
  • “my godchild is my little ray of sunshine #godchildlove”
  • we are touched you thought of us when deciding on godparents. it is an honor and means the world to us
  • if you think i’m cute, you should see by godmother
  • nothing is, unless our thinking makes it so.
  • “when i hold her i often can’t let her go she’s perfect, each perfection her own remember how we fought for her, for her to have life…”
  • “my godchild is the reason i believe in miracles #godmotherlife”
  • godmothers are practically perfect. they even have god in their name.
  • “my godchild, my little piece of heaven.”
  • “people called me the godmother of punk, but i never name myself anything.”
  • there is no big teacher than your own soul.
  • have control over what’s happening with you.
  • i have a fairy godmother named mr. nuggy, and he accidentally turned into a chicken.
  • oh, where is the fairy godmother of explanations when you need her?
  • a godmother will be there to steady you through life’s storms with a reassuring smile.
  • “my godchild, my best adventure yet.”
  • “godmother love is unconditional and forever.”
  • “my godchild, my little bundle of love.”

Cute Godmother Captions for Instagram

  • wishing you a day that is just like you want it to be.
  • unless you are totally destroyed as a mind, there is no hope for you.
  • godchildren are a gift that gives for a lifetime. being able to guide and support them is a beautiful experience.
  • “my godchild, my forever blessing.”
  • “godmotherhood: a bond that will never be broken.”
  • “i love my godchild more and more each day.”
  • i’m a godmother, that’s a great thing to be, a godmother. she calls me god for short, that’s cute, i taught her that.
  • wise sayings often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never thrown away.
  • i will do all i can to be the best godparent your son/daughter could hope to have. thank you for the honor
  • “the love i have for my godchild knows no bounds.”
  • i find myself lost for words as to how shocked and excited i am at being asked to be a godparent. thank you for the trust you’ve shown me, i promise it will be repaid
  • godmothers are a blessing from heaven sent to love an angel on earth.
  • nacho average aunt.
  • “i love my godchild more each day and i am proud to be their godmother.”
  • believe in your present and work for your future.
  • “being a godmother is like being a fairy godmother, but with less magic and more love.”
  • haters are my greatest motivators
  • the only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.
  • “the joy my godchild brings to my life is immeasurable #godmotherpride”
  • “godmotherhood is a journey filled with love, laughter, and memories #godmother”
  • i’ll always be your auntie and bestie.
  • “the best thing about my faerie godmother is that the creepy just keeps on coming.”
  • to be such an important part of your life is an honor that i can’t even put into words. the fact that i get this gift is truly life-changing.
  • she believed, so she did.
  • my fairy godmother is my heart sustaining me.
  • you have grown into a amazing young woman. i’m so proud to have been your godparent and watch such a transformation
  • you are never alone. you are eternally connected with everyone.
  • i was like their own fairy godmother! always there when they needed support!
  • “being a godmother is a role that i am proud to hold.”
  • poetry with god✞/you’re loved
  • i promise to always keep your secrets and give you candy.
  • life is more special with a godmother in it.
  • “one of my greatest joys is being a part of my godchild’s life journey #godmotherlife”
  • the holy land is everywhere.

Godmother Captions for Instagram

Godmother Instagram Captions

  • to some being a godparent isn’t important. but i am proud to be given the opportunity to help and guide _____. thank you for the honor
  • i grew up with a tribe of amazing women, but certainly my mother and my godmother really modeled women as actors.
  • i wished for my fairy godmother, the good witch of the north
  • “forever grateful to be a part of my godchild’s life.”
  • house of god is a complete gospel house
  • “my godchild is a blessing in disguise.”
  • a godmother is bound to you by love. it’s a devotion that never falters.
  • “forever grateful to be my godchild’s godmother.”
  • “so grateful to have [godchild’s name] in my life and my heart.”
  • pursue your passion and you’ll never work a day in your life
  • happiness can’t be earned and consumed.
  • huge thank you for making me a godparent! i’m going to have such fun teaching and sharing with
  • girlfriend, if you’re waiting for a fairy godmother to show up with a dress and a ride, you’re not going to make it to the party.
  • godmothers fill your heart with love and light.
  • then he gave her a kiss on the forehead that felt like a baptism and she wept like a baby.
  • i love it when somebody sees me, screams my name, and then runs to hug me.
  • all i can say is – what an honor. i will be the best godparent you could ever imagine
  • i may have not carried you for nine months, but i will spend the rest of my life loving you, protecting you, and doing whatever i need to make you happy.
  • aunt: like a mom, only cooler.
  • godmother: it was an offer i couldn’t refuse.
  • great sisters get promoted to aunt.
  • “my godchild brings so much happiness and love into my life.”
  • “godmotherhood: the joy of watching a child grow into their own person.”
  • let me love you a little more before you’re not little anymore.
  • i may never be an egot, but i am the cool aunt, so i think i win.
  • becoming an aunt is like finally meeting your soulmate.
  • “everyone of us has chosen a godmother or godfather.”
  • “being a godmother is a special journey, and i am thankful for it.”
  • “i love my godchild more than words can express.”
  • “you are a blessed woman and i am a blessed godchild because of who you are and what you do.”
  • oh, where is the fairy godmother of explanations when you need her? ~ allison pearson
  • “i think, at a child’s birth if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.”
  • “my godchild, my joy and laughter.”
  • “i am so thankful for my godchild, who brings happiness into my life.”
  • i get it from my mama
  • you may not have my eyes or smile, but from that very first moment, you had my heart.

Instagram Godmother Captions

  • i am so happy to have the honor of becoming your little babies godparent. it’s a really special day for me
  • there are few gifts in this world as magical as being a godmother.
  • why do you always rescue me? — every cinderella needs a fairy godmother.
  • right things take time. yes, they do!
  • “every moment with my godchild is a precious memory #godmotherblessed”
  • ‘granted’ s about a lively young woman who does a fairy godmother a good turn and is given a wish as her reward.
  • it’s a privilege to guide and love such a precious soul. being your godmother is a true gift.
  • “my godchild is the reason i believe in magic.”
  • “my godchild, my forever love.”
  • maybe she was being so hoity-toity because she didn’t have her fairy godmother.
  • the way is not in the sky; the way is in the heart.
  • “being a godmother is a special responsibility, and i am honored to fulfill it.”
  • if there is no failure, then there is no success.
  • thank you for this incredible role! being a godparent will be such fun, and i love having the chance to be in ’s life on a regular basis
  • “godmother duties: love, support, guidance, and lots of spoiling.”
  • if you only knew how much those little moments with you mattered to me.
  • to understand everything is to forgive everything.
  • in love, one body resides in two bodies.
  • “godmotherhood is a lifelong journey filled with love and joy.”
  • when i hold her i often can’t let her go she’s perfect, each perfection her own remember how we fought for her, for her to have life…
  • what a thoughtful gesture to ask me to be a godparent. it would be an honor and i look forward to helping ______ in every way i can
  • “my godchild, my little shining star.”
  • we are honored and delighted to be your child’s godparents. we won’t let you down
  • “i am so lucky to have my godchild in my life.”
  • happiness is becoming the aunt you’ve always dreamed of being.
  • nine out of 10 children get their awesomeness from their aunt. — someecards
  • “godmotherhood: a bond that can never be broken.”
  • “i have a fairy godmother named mr. nuggy, and he accidentally turned into a chicken.”
  • to put your child’s spiritual guidance and guardianship in our hands is an absolutel honor. we can assure you we will be there at every step to help
  • i would rather die of passion than of boredom

Godmother Captions

  • i love being reminded that existence itself is all about the tangling of souls.
  • best aunt ever, at your service.
  • being a sister is an honor. being an aunt is priceless.
  • “godmotherhood: the best adventure ever.”
  • being an elder sister is no less than being a godmother.
  • i’m the fun aunt everyone warned you about.
  • godmothers are a little angel and a lot of spice.
  • thank you for your love that you show me regularly.
  • meditation means the movement of the hidden walls created by the unconscious.
  • i live for the moments when my sister/brother says aunt [your name] is here, and it’s followed by excited screams.
  • “being a godmother is a lifelong bond, filled with love and joy #godmother”
  • in this world, there are few treasures as amazing as you. i’m honored to be able to guide and support you through life.
  • “my godchild, my heart, my forever friend.”
  • when mom says no, ask your godmother.
  • my best friend just had a baby, and she’s my age. so i’m a god mom now, which is crazy.
  • “being a godmother is a special bond that i treasure.”
  • who else are you going to follow? really
  • anything that makes weak – physically, intellectually and spiritually, reject it as poison.
  • you have me so happy by asking me to be a godparent. it’s a wonderful gesture and i am overjoyed to accept!
  • even miracles take a little time.
  • the bond between a godmother and a godchild is a precious force created by god.
  • so really, it was just as well that godmother had caught up to me, in spite of my best efforts to avoid her.
  • i’ve been godmother loads of times, but being a grandmother is better than anything.
  • “godmotherhood is one of life’s greatest joys #godmother”
  • godmother: the cool mom.
  • “being a godmother is a role that brings me immense joy and happiness.”
  • “being a godmother is like having a little piece of heaven on earth.”
  • the best thing about my faerie godmother is that the creepy just keeps on coming.
  • always down to play dress-up.
  • the day that i was christened- it’s a hundred years, and more!
  • proud godmother right here!

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