Edgy Instagram Captions

550+ Best Edgy Instagram Captions [Funny, Cute, Good]

If you are looking for the best Edgy Instagram Captions then you have come to the right place. Because here is a huge collection of the best Edgy Instagram Captions for you. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. And will increase your followers. You need some perfect captions when you post but finding the best captions is not an easy task. But don’t worry.

We’ve collected the best Edgy Instagram Captions for you over the years. Which will help a lot to express your emotions, attitudes through words. And will save you time. And will make your life easier.
So friends, choose the best Edgy Instagram Captions from here and share with everyone very easily.

Edgy Instagram Captions

  • Popularity is for mediocre people.
  • I’m not lazy, I just enjoy doing nothing.
  • A person’s a person no matter how small… unless it’s really big and then we call him Goliath instead of David.
  • If I don’t get all A’s, then I’ll just have to try harder next time.
  • I am so good at sleeping it’s almost my favorite hobby!
  • I used to have superpowers, but then my therapist took them away
  • Be happy with who are or get out of my way because someone else is coming in who will.
  • A pessimist is the guy next door who says that grass doesn’t grow. An optimist is the guy who moves.
  • It’s your duty to dream, so don’t waste time dreaming of a perfect future; go out and make it happen.
  • The person who smiles when things go wrong has found someone to blame it on.
  • I hope you’re not afraid of the dark; because that’s when all the magic happens.
  • I’m not weird; I just have a unique personality!
  • I just want someone who will take care of me without asking too many questions about where I’ve been or what I did tonight. Is that so much to ask?
  • I’m not weird, I just have interesting thoughts.
  • “What are thooooose!?”
  • I like the edgy stuff too, like tattoos and piercings.
  • Be yourself and be strong about it because when the world tries to knock you down is exactly when they need your strength most.
  • You only live once.
  • When life gives you lemons vibe limoncello style
  • If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty.
  • My personal style can be everything from girly and flirty to edgy and chic. “Kristin Cavallari”
  • You’re beautiful, don’t forget it
  • I definitely feel like my blog is going edgy to broad and boring. “Joichi Ito”
  • I don’t always take selfies, but when I do they’re worth a thousand words
  • “I’m not a princess, this ain’t a fairy-tale.
  • Everythings blurry but the feelings are real
  • I may be weird, but I’m perfectly normal in my own special way!
  • Friends don’t let friends do silly things alone. Mother told me so.
  • I’m not crazy, my reality is just different from yours!
  • I may be cute, but I know how to kick some ass!
  • When I think of trap, I think of something that is unrehearsed. It’s something that’s edgy, not too well put together.
  • I’ve done a lot of films that all have been pretty edgy. “Ja Rule”
  • If they stare at your tattoos, tell them it’s part of an art project and they’re free to join!
  • “You only live once but if you do it right once is enough.”
  • Be here now
  • Don’t believe everything you don’t hear.
  • Life is too short to be anything but happy and crazy all the time!
  • If you don’t like me, there is something wrong with you and not me.
  • I own my life, so I make the rules.
  • I’m not a prophet. I just don’t want to be disappointed!
  • Life is too short for anyone to be negative.
  • Hold my beer while I kill your parents.-I’m not perfect but I don’t care
  • I’m done being fake nice – if you’re going to be mean, then don’t talk to me at all!
  • I’m not afraid of anything except being uninteresting and normal.
  • I’m not bossy; I just know what needs to get done.
  • They call me a villain, just because I have been winning.
  • Houston, i have problems
  • I may look happy but honestly, it’s been one of those days.
  • Be mindful. Live in the moment seize opportunities
  • Your life is an occasion; rise to it.
  • Vanity before sanity?
  • I am a simple man, I peel a banana, I eat a banana
  • I was made to destroy you.-Don’t be afraid of the dark; bring a torch and some marshmallows!
  • It is the uninspiring background for me
  • Life is a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it.
  • I don’t need a man to save me!
  • The mind that is anxious about future events is miserable.
  • I like very girly, retro inspired, feminine, floral things. I’m not very edgy.
  • You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough!
  • I’m not lazy; I’m on energy-saving mode.
  • Getting a new perspective…. Take risks, create dreams
  • I’m not here for your entertainment.
  • The more you hate me, the more I’m in love with myself.
  • Be yourself because everybody else is taken.
  • I guess edgy things tend to get my attention. “Rick Rubin”
  • This world may be full of pretty faces, but to find the beauty within, you have to look beyond.
  • I’m not weird; I’m a limited edition.
  • I’d rather be who I am and get hate than be someone else for the sake of getting liked.
  • I’m not here for your entertainment.
  • I’m not beautiful, I just take really good selfies.
  • You want a good girl that does bad things to you

Funny Edgy Instagram Captions

  • Whenever I Google for clothes, I always look at what Angelina Jolie is wearing. I love Sienna Miller, and I really like Rihanna’s style, too. There’s the edgy girl, classy girl, and the Bohemian chic girl. I guess I’m all of that combined into one.
  • Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
  • Keep calm and selfie on
  • You’re unique, just like everybody else.
  • “When you grow up your heart dies.”
  • A true friend will stab you in the front .
  • Life’s a zoo – enjoy the ride before someone else cages it up!
  • A wise man speaks because he has something to say; a fool speaks because he has to say something.
  • I’m not a bad girl, but I don’t want to be a good girl anymore.
  • Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today; it’s already tomorrow in Australia.
  • We are born into feeling blue
  • Some of us seem so anxious about avoiding hell that we forget to celebrate our journey toward heaven
  • Your success does not make me unsuccessful, and vice versa. We can both be successful!
  • The difference between genius and insanity is measured by success.
  • I’m running late to somewhere now I don’t want to be
  • What other people think of you is none of your business!
  • My bark is your bite
  • I’m not broke, I just don’t have money!
  • I can see that look in your eyes: ‘is she gonna hate me?’ Don’t worry honey, it’s not you, it’s me.
  • I can pull off a range of outfits from nice, edgy suits to more rugged, casual looks. Your look one day can be totally different than the next day, and for me, it’s all about owning that.
  • There are no failures, just experiences and your reactions to them.
  • I’ll tell you what I am thinking about
  • You can’t beat a person who won’t give up!
  • Live fast die young bad girls do it well.
  • I like things that are avant-garde, but at the same time I can also go downtown edgy. “EJ Johnson”
  • Tainted by hatred and cant be erased
  • Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.
  • Sharing is caring
  • The heat was hot and the ground was dry / but the air was full of sound – America
  • If you’re good at something, never do it for free.
  • Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle.
  • I don’t know what makes people so cruel, but it’s really working out for them!
  • I’m not a bitch, I just have really high standards.
  • No rules. I do a thing called whatever I want.
  • You’re not original enough until you do something that one person has never done before.
  • The thinner the ice, the more anxious is everyone to see whether it will bear.
  • “Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out alive.”
  • I was never afraid of the dark until I met you.
  • If you want something, go get it! Now!
  • The futures bright
  • My head spins. One moment I’m told I’m too edgy, then people say I’m too angry, then that I show too much passion… make your minds up.
  • Life is short, so wear your heart on your sleeve and express yourself!
  • I don’t want to change the world; I just want my life to be interesting.
  • I’m not shy, I just have nothing interesting or funny to say.
  • Chocolate is the answer, but only if it’s a multiple choice question.
  • Be the person you wanted to meet when you were younger.
  • The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits!
  • I’m just a simple bitch with an iPhone and $600 jeans.
  • I never make the same mistake twice, I make it five or six times just to be sure.
  • If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.
  • Even if the world says you are not worth it, even if the world says you are not enough, keep on believing in yourself.
  • I’m sorry if I was mean to you, it’s just because I like your older brother.
  • I don’t care what people think or say about me because all that matters is who I know myself to be!
  • The road to success is always under construction.
  • I don’t want to be your favorite, I just want to be yours.
  • I’m not always in a good mood, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to have fun.
  • I don’t need therapy, I just need to go on vacation.
  • I don’t give a shit what people think about me; they’re all just jealous anyway!
  • If one more person says “you look cold” to me, I’m stealing their umbrella
  • I like to be stylish and edgy, but also low maintenance. “Krysten Ritter”
  • Edgy as Heck
  • I can only please one person per day today is not your day… tomorrow isn’t looking good either!
  • I’m a lover and a fighter.
  • On the verge of death
  • I don’t care what people think of me because they either like me or not; I’m still going to be awesome!
  • I feel like it’s my duty as a human being to speak the truth, even if that means telling people what they don’t want to hear.
  • I’m a night owl; I love staying up late at night because that’s when all my best ideas come to life.
  • Don’t be a hater, life is too short.
  • I’m not lazy; I just like to do things at my pace.
  • When I first heard ‘Harper’s Bazaar’ wanted me to be sexy, I was like, ‘Who, me?’ I knew y’all were edgy, but this is incredible – it’s validation. “Chrissy Metz”
  • People call me crazy, but it’s just because they don’t understand my genius.
  • Life isn’t perfect but my hair sure as hell is!
  • Now that’s a heart breaker if I have ever seen one
  • Clothes as dark as my soul
  • Some people are so poor, all they have is money.
  • Let the beauty within shine through.

Cute Edgy Instagram Captions

  • Raised by the wolf
  • I don’t take fashion risks. I wear what makes me feel confident.
  • Don’t let someone’s opinion of you keep you from being who you really are.
  • It is not a secret these minds shrouded in history
  • Don’t let anyone treat you as anything less than a princess because you are worth more than diamonds and pearls!
  • You either live your dreams or you don’t, it’s as simple as that.
  • If there’s no challenge in what you’re doing then you’re not doing it right.
  • Time for some changes
  • Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.
  • I’m not perfect, I’m original.
  • Pov: you are watching me watching you watching me
  • Try to fight me. Try to run. I will hunt you down with the might of a thousand dragons
  • Everything is gone, everything’s just fine
  • Every time they try to introduce new slang, nothing will ever beat “YOLO!”
  • I could give two f*cks. Hell, I don’t care if you’re reading this right now!
  • I have an attitude. It’s what I do. I’m edgy. I have an attitude.
  • If you don’t like the way I look, then don’t look at me.
  • “I’m not shy I just don’t like you.”
  • “You can ask me if I care but it will never change the truth.”
  • Sometimes you’ve got to go through hell to get to heaven.
  • A wise girl kisses but doesn’t love, listens but doesn’t believe and leaves before she is left.
  • I like wearing things that other people wouldn’t want to wear, to be a bit edgy. “Lewis Hamilton”
  • I’m kind of a big deal.
  • If at first you don’t succeed… call it version one point oh!
  • Don’t judge someone just because they sin differently than you.
  • I’m a badass with a heart of gold!
  • I like when the ice gets thin, the going gets rough, the guests get edgy. “Dick Cavett”
  • You have as many hours in a day as Beyoncé.
  • I’m not your type… I make explosions with my face!
  • Is there anything cuter than seeing an old couple holding hands? Yes, seeing a couple of single people holding hands.
  • I guess my style’s a little edgy but comfortable. I like being comfortable, for sure, and kind of casual.
  • Anything edgy won’t see instant success. That’s why one will have to learn to wait. You’re going to see a lot of failures. “Naveen Tewari”
  • You can take my life but never ever break me spirit!
  • Strive for progress, not perfection!
  • Inaction is the worst form of action, but it’s still a way better option than doing something bad out of fear.
  • I’m sorry I can’t; my bed is calling me and it’s really hard to say no when your mattress sends you texts!
  • Beauty is pain!
  • I don’t work out, it’s exercise in disguise.
  • Do something different today! You are the master of your own life, so why not make it interesting?
  • You’ll never know if you don’t even try; so keep on trying and never give up!
  • The ground taunts my wings
  • Be yourself always because everyone else is taken.
  • Fine time to fake a seizure
  • When life gives you lemons, squirt them in other people’s eyes and run away laughing!
  • I’m not saying it was easy, but it was worth it.
  • I will never apologize for my attitude!
  • I’m not really a people person. I just happen to like some of the people I know.
  • I wish I could read your mind, but apparently there is no WiFi out here!
  • I’m only interested in people that can deal with the fact that I’m out of my goddamn mind.
  • You are beautiful, but you are empty – like a canvas waiting to be painted upon.”
  • I’m not lazy, I’m on energy saving mode!
  • I’m not an addict; I just get a good feeling every time you give me attention.
  • I’m not weird, I just don’t act normal sometimes!
  • Don’t look back you are not going that way
  • I’m not a bitch; I’m the queen!
  • Your words can never hurt me because the only one who has control over my emotions is myself.
  • If you’re not in, you’re not in at all.
  • I like beauty to be a bit edgy, not typical. For me, the only rule is looking good.
  • It’s better to have loved and lost than never having loved at all.
  • I’m not awkward; I just don’t like you.
  • Sometimes living means leaving people behind. And sometimes letting go is the only way to stay alive yourself.
  • You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
  • I love you to the moon and back, but only because it’s so much further than I can reach!
  • I don’t want to play everything. So I’ll seek out roles that I’ll say, ‘This is edgy. This is fun. This is wicked. This suits me. “Charlotte Rampling”
  • If you can’t handle me at my worst then you don’t deserve me at my best!
  • Today’s the day to start working on your dreams.
  • I love sarcasm – the sharpest form of wit and drips from my lips like honey!
  • I’m not perfect, but I’m always me.
  • It’s not my fault that I fell for you, blame gravity!
  • I only follow back people who I think are cute. Call me shallow but at least your face will be seen by more than one person 🙂
  • It’s a love story, baby just say yes!
  • A lot of the stuff I am now seeing is edgy, raw kinda material. “Mickey Rourke”
  • Saying “f*ck you” to someone who doesn’t deserve it is like saying “thank you” to someone who does.
  • You are so brave for being able to look at yourself in the mirror each morning. I can’t even do that yet…
  • I forgot to mention one little thing…
  • If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain!
  • Life’s a bitch until she gives you her number & then makes all your dreams come true.
  • I’m sorry that girls like me and guys like you don’t happen very often.”
  • I stopped giving a sh*t about what people think of me.

Good Cute Edgy Instagram Captions

  • Termites will feast on power’s wooden heart
  • Rotting away in my party of one and I honestly can’t tell you the last time I saw the sun
  • I’m not lazy, I just really enjoy doing nothing.
  • I don’t think it matters what you do in life, as long as you’re happy doing it.
  • Real friends are the ones who survive it when your new haircut makes all of your old friends turn their backs on you…
  • Don’t talk to me if you can’t handle me at my worst.
  • I am a queen and I will not be treated like anything less than royalty! So bow down before your new ruler!
  • Underestimate me. That’ll be fun.
  • People who follow their dreams are the luckiest people in the world; they get to live twice.
  • Don’t follow your dreams, chase them down the street like they owe you money!
  • If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.
  • I find ‘good morning’ texts from my friends less annoying than the ones that come at noon or later.
  • Do stupid people annoy me? It depends. Do they use their lack of intelligence for good or evil?
  • Don’t take yourself too seriously all the time because you cant enjoy life to its fullest if your always so serious.
  • Some Regrets
  • Sometimes I need to remind myself of how bad ass I am.-I’m not here for you, ahead of me is my destiny.
  • If you’re not following me, it’s because I blocked you.
  • f*ck being your dream girl; I wanna be your nightmare
  • I like beauty to be a bit edgy, not typical. For me, the only rule is looking good. “Francois Nars”
  • I’m not a bad girl, I just like to have fun.
  • Feminine rebel!!!
  • “Happy birthday!” she lied… again.
  • You can always try to be perfect, but you’ll never reach it so why even bother?
  • Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s learning how to dance in the rain!
  • There is no such thing as an ugly girl, just an ugly mirror.
  • I’m always gonna have the darker edgy music; it is always in my pocket because it comes so naturally to me. “Yelawolf”
  • Leave my dreams
  • Take me as I am or watch me as I go.
  • I am strong and proud of it!
  • Don’t get attached because this won’t last long.
  • Fake people have an image to maintain.
  • I am that song you skipped and found out later it was a fire
  • I am not here to impress anyone but myself!
  • I am the young, edgy New Yorker. “Douglas Wilson”
  • There’s just no time to die
  • The truth is everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.
  • I do love getting dressed up, but sometimes it’s glam and edgy mixed together. “Victoria Justice”
  • If you’re not living on the edge, then you’re taking up too much space.
  • You don’t know me well enough to judge my life.
  • You’re insecure; everyone is entitled to be stupid, but it takes courage to prove them wrong.
  • I’m not here to impress anyone or make friends. So mind your own business and stay out of mine!
  • I was like this weird, edgy 10-year-old. I was figuring out who I was, obviously at the worst time. I had braces and bangs, and it was a nightmare.
  • “I’d rather regret the things that I’ve done than regret the things that I haven’t.”
  • The best thing about being single is sleeping alone in an empty bed.
  • I love being different.
  • I am a queen and I will be treated like one.
  • Don’t be fooled by the rocks that I’ve got. I’m still Jenny from the block.
  • Why do people say, “I’m taking a break”? That’s like saying, “I am going to stop breathing for five minutes”.
  • I’m not always strong, but I am brave.
  • God, goals, glowing and growing.
  • A moment of silence for my inner demons, please?
  • I’m not interested in doing something edgy with a capital E just so everyone knows, ‘Oh, OK, now he’s showing us he can do edgy. “Tom Hanks”
  • If I don’t make mistakes, then there’s no point in living this life! It’s going down tonight!
  • When I’m sad, it rains. When I’m happy, the sun shines.
  • We are in charge of our attitude.
  • When life gives you lemons, make grape juice then sit back and let everyone wonder how you did it!
  • I’m not short, I just have a long torso.
  • Today is the first day of the rest of my awesome life!
  • Don’t worry, the sarcasm is just my way of being nice to you!
  • I’m edgy and I know it.
  • Don’t let someone who gave up on their dreams talk trash about yours.
  • Your boyfriend says he’s not interested in my Instagram; why do you think that is?
  • Think outside the box.
  • I may be smiling but it’s only because my mouth is tired of holding up my ears!
  • I split on your grave
  • New hair old me
  • I deserve better than this.
  • Getting hurt is inevitable; getting over things is a choice.
  • Don’t settle for anything less than extraordinary.
  • I’m not a bad person; I just don’t like you.
  • Life’s too short to be anything but happy!

Perfect Edgy Instagram Captions

  • When life gives you lemons, throw them back at it until one of you dies!
  • I think I appear very innocent and soft, but I’m actually very dark and edgy. It’s a weird dichotomy. “Rebel Wilson”
  • Your flaws make you unique so embrace them with arms wide open!
  • I don’t want a normal life; I want something more than that.
  • Over the edge… cause that’s not edgy at all
  • Yeah I think Pitch Black was edgy, I think that’s what worked for our film. “Radha Mitchell”
  • My mind works like lightning; one brilliant flash and it’s gone.
  • I’m sorry that I hurt you, but I won’t apologize for the truth.
  • I don’t need a therapist; I need a scientist who can solve my problems for me!
  • Every time I look at the keyboard of my laptop, I see your name and think, “wow, what ugly font did they use?”
  • If you love me prove it by not leaving me
  • There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.
  • Stand up for what you believe in even if that means standing alone against the world.
  • Kinda loving the faded hair
  • If at first, you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried!
  • Baby, we don’t stand a chance
  • Your words aren’t mine, so don’t say them in my name.
  • I’ve got the whole world in my hands!
  • Don’t compare yourself with others because you are unique and special in your own way.
  • I didn’t lose my mind, I sold it on eBay and with the money bought some weed.
  • “My mind is made up; don’t confuse me with facts.”
  • I want to grow old and make people say: “She looks great for her age!”
  • I’m not afraid of death, I just like to sleep in.
  • I am not special because I’m different; I’m different because i’m special.
  • You don’t have to follow me; I will always find you.
  • Sometimes to go far you must go alone.
  • Don’t hate, appreciate.
  • It’s not about the happy ending, it’s about the story.
  • I think I appear very innocent and soft, but I’m actually very dark and edgy. It’s a weird dichotomy.
  • I was born to stand out and make a difference; you were born to blend in and follow the crowd.
  • You can’t make everyone happy, you know? You just have to do what makes YOU happy; screw everybody else!
  • If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you don’t deserve me at my best.
  • Beach better have my money
  • I’m not lazy, I just don’t care.
  • I like to keep a uniform – wear a blazer, try to keep the same colour pants; very tailored, very fitted but still edgy.
  • If you’re not in, you’re not in at all.
  • I don’t need therapy; I just need to go skydiving!
  • The best way to lie is by telling the truth; it allows people too much room to doubt you!
  • Live your life the way you want it to be lived.
  • Hello, my name is human
  • The world is my runway!
  • “It’s my life and I’ll die if I want to!”
  • Edgy is fine – I’m not a prude by any stretch of the imagination – but what’s wrong with a good ol’ belly laugh? I miss that.
  • Stop worrying about your hair; I like it better when you don’t comb it.
  • I’m not interesting, I just have a lot of feelings.
  • I am my biggest critic and my toughest opponent.
  • I’ll give you all my love all you have to do is love me back.
  • I don’t trust any man who doesn’t drink.
  • I’m not trying to look like everyone else in the world!”
  • I’m not a bitch, I just don’t like you.
  • Weird, but sometimes I feel more like my cartoon character than I do Lizzie because she’s a little more edgy and snappy. “Hilary Duff”
  • A day without laughter is a day wasted!
  • Oh, darling, you are not broken, society is…
  • “I want to stand out for just being myself!”
  • Any time you try to be edgy just for the sake of being edgy, that’s the worst way.
  • Since I have that edgy, rocker-tomboy kind of vibe, it can be very difficult to translate my style for the red carpet. “Shenae Grimes”
  • I’m not lazy, I just don’t like you.
  • I don’t care if you’re reading this – I only wrote it for me anyway!
  • Don’t believe everything you don’t hear.

Check-Out:⇒ Personality Captions For Instagram

Edgy Captions For Instagram

  • My therapist says I have a preoccupation with vengeance. We’ll see about that
  • This is what an amazing day looks like
  • I’m a part of this story, too.
  • Life is too short to keep pretending to be someone you’re not.
  • As Latinas, we tend to be overly partial considering stereotypes. I’m interested in being naughty and edgy.” Judy Reyes”
  • What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger; what kills me leaves a skeleton that will haunt your dreams forever!
  • I’ve got 99 problems and trust me; they’re all your fault!
  • When God gives you lemons, make grape juice; then sit back and watch the world wonder how you did it.
  • It’s never too late to be who you could’ve been.
  • “Haters gonna hate.”
  • They laughed at my plans for world domination; I’ll laugh last when they’re all dead!
  • You can’t please everyone, so don’t even try!
  • Be careful who you let into your world; sometimes they end up being part of your downfall.
  • All I want is to feel all the feelings that there are. All I want is everything at once!
  • I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.
  • I’m not perfect, I just take really cool selfies.
  • I like to think I have good morals, but I still have a little bit of an edgy side. “Ashley Roberts”
  • We are the kids our parents warned us about.
  • The public’s nerves are raw and edgy. You have to be discreet and understanding about the films you are showing.
  • You can’t control how others treat you, but you can control how you react.
  • Be yourself; everyone else is taken.
  • The only thing worse than being alone on Christmas: spending it with someone you don’t love anymore.
  • When life gives you lemons, call them ‘yellow oranges’ and sell them.
  • I’m not a thief, I just don’t have the money to buy your clothes.
  • You’re just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
  • I don’t need your help, thanks though.
  • I’m not being mean. You’re just insignificant to me.
  • I’m not evil; I just don’t like to see people having fun!
  • The only thing worse than a boy who hates you: the boy who loves you.
  • Failure doesn’t mean you are unsuccessful; it just means that you haven’t succeeded yet.
  • We need to call a plumber coz its too much drippity drip
  • I’m not sorry for anything I’ve ever done. And if people are hurt by what I do or say… it wasn’t my problem!
  • I’m so punk rock it’s almost an art form.
  • Be not anxious to avoid poverty. In this way the wealth of the universe may be securely invested.
  • My mind is on my money and my money’s on my mind.
  • I’m not awkward; I just have a weird way of looking at life.
  • If you can’t handle me at my worst; then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best!
  • All these moments will be lost, like tears…in the rain
  • People have maybe, sometimes, said that I can, occasionally, be a teeny bit edgy and judgmental. “Christa Miller”
  • We are the boys and the girls and the freaks in the middle
  • I’m not perfect, but I will love you until you realize it.
  • Humor that is edgy is never squeaky clean. “Jeff Ross”
  • Never settle for less than you deserve – life’s too short to give anyone your leftovers!
  • I don’t go to the gym because of what people think about me there; I go so that they can see how hard I workout!
  • Don’t worry about the haters, they’re just jealous of your success!
  • I’ll be your friend but I won’t be your crying shoulder.
  • To the boldest and never back
  • I don’t have a drinking problem; I drink, I get drunk – no problems!
  • You know, it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.
  • If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best!
  • A single frame of normality
  • Do you wanna play with magic? Boy, don’t be a square!
  • Love is like playing checkers: fun until someone starts crying…
  • If my life is going to mean anything I have to live it myself.
  • I can never be perfect because my standards are too high.
  • We can try, fail and try again, but we can’t try not to fail.
  • I really hope you know that when I look at you, my heart beats out of my chest.
  • I’m not lazy; I just like to sit.
  • I’m sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you ugly. Can we still be friends?
  • I can’t complain but sometimes I still do.
  • “People don’t change; you just become more like yourself”

Best Edgy Instagram Captions

  • I am that guy who will say things that people seem to think is a little edgy, a little racy. “Patrice O’Neal”
  • It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.
  • You want me to be serious? It’s too late for that!
  • Don’t be sad because it’s over; smile because it happened!
  • Love is trash and I need cash
  • It’s like my daddy always said – if at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
  • I’m not an especially highbrow person, but I have always loved small, quirky, edgy movies. “Diablo Cody”
  • It’s better to be looked over than overlooked !
  • No distance can keep anxious lovers long asunder.
  • For the first time, I had something to lose.
  • I was born intelligent but education ruined me.
  • “Don’t give up on people and love and dreams.”
  • I don’t have a drinking problem; I drink so I can stop thinking about everything else.
  • Don’t be a hater, just because you’re jealous!
  • If I’m not yours, don’t look at me.
  • People always talk about how hard things are. But the truth is nothing has ever been easy, and it never will be.
  • Up close and personal
  • We float around and hang out on clouds
  • I don’t care what you think of me, I know who I am.
  • It’s okay that we don’t get along because I still look flawless while beating your ass.
  • I’m not perfect, I just don’t try to be.
  • My years on ‘SNL’ had reconfirmed that what I do best is play for a sort of edgy comedy. “Paul Shaffer”
  • The only time you should look down at someone is if they’re on their knees thanking you.
  • Underestimate me. That’ll be fun.
  • Stop following me because you like my pictures. Follow me because we share the same values.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re good at something, it matters that you love doing it.
  • I’m not bossy, I just know what needs to be done.
  • I’m so #blessed I could cry! But I won’t because it’s been one of those days.
  • I’m not nice, I just don’t like mean people.
  • Why the hell not?
  • You’re miserable, edgy and tired. You’re in the perfect mood for journalism
  • I’m a wild card in this game of poker called society!
  • People say I have too many opinions, but then I just ignore them and continue to have them!
  • Nobody should ever look anxious except those who have no anxiety.
  • Don’t let the past hold you back; your mistakes don’t define you unless you decide to let them.
  • “It doesn’t matter if there are 100 ways to leave your lover, when you want her back.”
  • I used the word f*ck so much I had to look it up in the dictionary.
  • “Be yourself everyone else is already taken.”
  • If you can’t handle me at my worst then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best!
  • I used to be normal until people started taking selfies in front of me…
  • My life isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty close.
  • Be yourself because everyone else is taken!
  • Don’t waste your time on someone that doesn’t deserve it, but instead put yourself out there and go for the best!
  • I have been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks
  • My favorite word is no.
  • Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
  • The pain from yesterday is the strength of today.
  • It’s all about self expression with these Instagram captions for boys! Have fun experimenting to find what works best with your personality!
  • Don’t ever let anyone tell you that your dreams are too big because they’re just not big enough.
  • I love being me, so take your shoes off and stay awhile.
  • I’m not afraid to die; I just don’t want to be there when it happens.
  • I’m not busy in my life, I’m living it on my terms.
  • Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.
  • The man has my heart
  • I would like to do something a little bit more edgy. “Devon Sawa”
  • One dress I love – for me, it’s a little edgy – it’s sleeveless. It’s black and it’s leather. I’ve worn it on TV.
  • I’m not crying, I just have an eyelash in my eye!
  • People will never understand the way you feel about certain things, but that’s okay. You don’t need them to understand.
  • I’m not cold, I just have goosebumps.
  • People will stare. Make it worth their while.
  • Well this day was a total waste of makeup!
  • I’m not accepted by others, I accept myself.

Check-Out:⇒ Aesthetic Captions For Instagram

Edgy Instagram Captions For Picture

  • I’m not just edgy, and I’m not just into a tomboy look, and I’m not just girly. I do what I want, and if I like something, I’ll wear it. “Sadie Sink”
  • You can’t expect me to be okay after what you put me through.
  • I like my coffee like I like my relationships – bitter and toxic.
  • Life is a stage and we are all just players on that one great big world of reality!
  • I may be weird, but at least that means I’m original!
  • The world is your playground if you’re willing to play on your own terms.
  • Destroy yourself to save yourself
  • You can’t judge me until you’ve walked a mile in my shoes.
  • You can’t sit with us!
  • Can’t go on without you
  • If you can’t say anything nice then keep your mouth shut.
  • Life’s a bowl of cherries – so many pits, so little time.
  • I am not a special snowflake; the world doesn’t revolve around me.
  • I don’t need a reason to help people I just do.
  • You’ll never be good enough for me to love; get over it!
  • Would you like to speak about it? No, just hit me.
  • I was born to be real, not perfect.
  • I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel.
  • Look within yourself
  • Never regret anything because, at one point in time, it was exactly what you wanted.
  • I’m not being rude; I just have zero tolerance for stupid people.
  • As if getting up at five in the morning wasn’t enough, now I have to deal with you.
  • I’m not random; I just have many thoughts at once.
  • I have a list of names and yours is in red, underlined.
  • I’m not weird; I just think different.
  • Don’t think do
  • Laughs in a little boy and fat man
  • Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind
  • Don’t judge someone just because they sin differently than you.
  • “The only thing more beautiful than a girl with confidence is the same girl when she takes her makeup off.”
  • Lazy people are always anxious to be doing something.
  • I am edgy, raw, offensive, vulgar, untruthful, but intelligent. My jokes are always realistic. I do not make fun of children or people who cannot fight back. That is my limitation. “Vir Das”
  • I’m not trying to be sexy. I just don’t give a fuck!
  • One little sweet creature
  • I don’t care what you think unless you’re thinking that this is all over your head.
  • No one cares unless you are pretty or dead
  • Be yourself and forget about everyone else who isn’t into you – because there are plenty of other boys out there who will be!
  • Hide the weed and act natural
  • All the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do.
  • The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
  • I love Urban Fantasy, even though I’m inevitably compared to ‘Supernatural,’ only a little more edgy. “Rob Thurman”
  • Never underestimate someone with big dreams and a lot of passion.
  • I’m curious as a cat and I’ll never let go of something until I get the answer.
  • I’m sorry that I hurt your feelings when all I was trying to do was help your pride.
  • When life gives you lemons, throw them back and demand oranges.
  • “When you come for me, bring your army because I’ll be ready and armed”
  • Never forgot, I blossom in the moonlight
  • I need a little of you in my life
  • There is no closure in life because nothing ends up where it should be.
  • I don’t need to depend on you for anything… not even my happiness!
  • People in love often become edgy, dangerous. They lose their sense of perspective.
  • I can’t drown my demons they know how to swim
  • Don’t let anyone tell you what to do or how to feel about yourself.
  • People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing; that’s why we recommend it daily!
  • The trash gets picked up tomorrow, be ready
  • I may be short but the things I say are deep.
  • It’s the good girls who keep diaries; bad girls never have time.
  • If at first you don’t succeed, redefine success!
  • I’m only interested in people that can deal with the fact that I’m out of my goddamn mind.
  • You are just my type
  • I’ve been rich, and I’ve been poor – believe me, honey being rich is better!
  • Never settle for second place because there’s always someone better than you out there.
  • Best friends: they know all about you and still choose to stick around.
  • I’m not crazy, I just have a lot of feelings.

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Paddle Boarding Captions
Laughing Captions For Instagram
Lazy Captions For Instagram

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