High School Reunion Captions
High School Reunion Instagram captions show the beauty of how people have changed and matured since high school as they grew up within themselves. High school reunions are a time to reconnect with all your old friends and even create some amazing things. And if you are looking for the best High School Reunion Captions then you have come to the right place. There is a huge collection of High School Reunion Captions.
When you meet high school friends. When to take some perfect pictures. And you will post your pictures on Instagram, Facebook or all kinds of social media. But you need some perfect High School Reunion Captions. No captions who post incomplete. And perfect captions will help you to make all kinds of social posts look smarter. And will increase your fan following.
So friends, here are the best High School Reunion Captions. And easily share your High School Reunion pictures with everyone. And enjoy your beautiful life.
High School Reunion Captions
- Feels like I just graduated the other day, except y’all are reading this caption in 2038. Happy Reunion!
- Whether you went your separate ways or you’ve seen each other all throughout the years, at this moment, you can’t deny the connection you have.
- Life status: Currently holding it all together with one bobby pin.
- This is what 10 years of hard work will get you. (And a wedding ring… )
- You can’t change everyone, and you probably shouldn’t. Just focus on the ones you love.
- It’s the little moments that make life big– one day at a time.
- Being single is much more fun than going to the high school reunion.
- Sometimes the best way to keep in touch is to get back on that old bike.
- You met your old classmates at a reunion, and suddenly, you hear someone yell “ Hens r us y’all”, that’s the only time you should go there.
- Old friends from high school you haven’t seen in a while. Let’s hope we look a lot better than the last time we saw each other.
- Can’t wait to see who my son and his friends are 40 years from now.
- A smile happens in a flash, but its memory can last a lifetime.
- Sometimes the most fun part of the reunion is watching your friends walk in and wondering if they’re better off than you are.
- Hosting your high school reunion is like getting together with friends you haven’t seen in ten years, and then asking them if their lives turned out the way they imagined. -Jason Biggs
- Food before dudes.
- No one said it was easy. No one said it would be this hard. But they’re all wrong. This is exactly as hard as it should be.* – Unknown *Inspired by our friend’s high school reunion over the weekend
- High school wasn’t all bad. Actually, a lot of it was pretty good.
- Nobody really likes us expect for us.
- It’s time to rewind, enjoy, and remember all that is best about you. We hope you have an amazing time tonight, remembering to always live your life unapologetically!
- “The fact of the matter is that our background, education and money never change who we are at heart.” – Kelsey Grammer
- Yup we survived high school
- Sometimes I feel like no one remembers that I won a high school writing award, while most of my classmates were buried in the NFL Hall of Fame.
- Playing hooky from work to catch up with an old friend at a Brooklyn rooftop bar. Good company + good drinks = a great afternoon.
- When we were eighteen, we promised to make an impact. Today we’re making good on that promise—and we thank you for being a part of it. @Ford Motor Company #FordReunion
- Reunited, and it feels so good.
- “People who matter don’t care about time, and those who care about time don’t matter” – Steve Jobs
- Even though we aren’t in the same grade, I still have you.
- Traveling the world is always an option. And the world you choose to visit, know that wherever you go I’m with you in spirit
- Good friends are best friends forever.
- Celebrating 10 years of friendship, 10 years of life, and a whole lot more.
- Say what you feel” – your high school yearbook quote
- See you at #ur10!
- “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh #highschool
- You made it! Congrats! This year we’re doing things a little differently—no more high school cliques, just a bunch of high school pals: #Classof2018
- We were so young
- Once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat #HSR16
- Seeing my high school friends again after so long was like seeing old photos and reading old letters, with a few updates. It was nostalgic.
Best High School Reunion Captions
- It’s always a good idea to be like a duck. Calm on the surface, and always paddling furiously underneath. – James Maxwell
- 15 years since we graduated and many things changed, but some things don’t. And if you think back to the best days in your life, the ones where you felt most at ease and the times when you truly came alive, odds are that all
- Here’s to all our yesterdays, and here’s to all the tomorrow
- Class of ‘08. Where did those 10 years go? After a fun night out with old friends—let the sleepover continue!
- Hey, growing up doesn’t have to mean growing apart. Keep on smiling.
- I thought I’d have seen all your Facebook posts by now. Guess not. #shorthandhighschoolhashtags
- See you at my high school reunion ten years from now. And bring your daughter because I still haven’t gotten over the fact that she was born nine months after I graduated.
- Looking at your old classmates’ photos, one thing is clear: you aren’t getting any younger.
- “There are many beautiful places in the world, but there is no place like home.” (L. Frank Baum)
- Drink some coffee and pretend you know what you’re doing.
- Commencement: The opening or beginning of something, as a ceremony.
- Once upon a time, I used to know what I wanted. Now all I need is you.
- Let’s do this. – Ferris Bueller
- Today marks 12 years since our HS graduation. One decade ago we were fighting to the death in a Hunger Games-like competition against a rival school. Today we are living in the Real World, but still using Auntie Anne’s as a meeting place…
- Reunited and it feels so good!
- As we enter our high school reunion, we’re reminded that you can never go back to being 18. You’re just a little bit older, and a whole lot better than you used to be.
- In the present, I will never know how it feels to be a beautiful stranger without a brush of that old familiar pain. #whatsthebestyearsinyourlife
- In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
- Four years only lasted a summer but the memories are forever. #highschoolreunion #classof2015
- Life comes at you fast. -Ferris Bueller #reunion #tbt
- This is why our high school reunions never get old
- Life is not about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
- For old friends, for new beginnings and for the memories of all the good times that we had together.
- What the hell? The music we listened to in high school is now playing on the oldies station!
- Oh, my glob! We grew up so much last year. I can’t wait to see what you’re up to this year! #HSReunion
- Let’s bury the hatchet… We can always dig it up later
- You’re presented with seemingly unlimited choices in building your future. The future will simply be what you choose to make it. (Karen Wetterhahn, 1981)
- Out of college and the realities of life have caught up with me, now what do I do?
- Time passes… People change… Years turn into decades, but you still get that feeling like no time has passed when you’re laughing with old friends.
- Sometimes the best part of getting older is seeing how much you’ve grown.
- Remember high school and all of those epic parties? Now we’re grown and we use that to our advantage.
- Ladies, the weekend is finally here! Send us your photos on Thursday and you could see them in our story. Now show us a little leg.
- Don’t count the years, count the memories!
- We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.
- You know, if you don’t have anything nice to say about someone, come sit by me.
- Life is all about the journey, not the destination. Good to see you guys! #HSREUNION2018
- When a lot of people ask what you’re doing, it’s probably better not to say, ‘Currently my biggest concern is making sure my son eats exactly three grapes at a time.
- You are a product of every conversation you’ve had since kindergarten. The person you sit next to today matters more than the awards you’ve received.
- A blast from the past
- The future is always built on the ideas of the past.
Funny High School Reunion Captions
- So happy to see old friends at our high school reunion last night! Also happy we don’t look like that anymore.
- OK, OK, there’s nothing left
- Your memory at high school prom might be different from mine, but then again, you probably don’t even remember this.
- Shout out to all my friends from !! ##ClassOf1999
- It may not be as much fun as prom night, but you’re all here so it’s gotta be a pretty good reunion
- I hate when I see some old person and realize we went to high school together.
- There’s no school like the old school!
- We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—relationships, love, soul mates #Reunion
- Sending you a little love from the Atlantic City boardwalk! #reunion2016
- And the crowd goes wild! Swipe to see a sneak peek at our special fall varsity jackets .
- Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
- Reunion was the best time of my life! I can’t wait to see who else is going
- I came, I saw, I made it awkward.
- You’re a little older, a little more wrinkled, and a bit slower, but you’re just as smart as you ever were.
- 20 years of growing up and seeing who has changed and who hasn’t. #HSR
- The closer you get, the more everything falls into place. -Mandy Hale
- Friends share words of wisdom and so do actors:)
- Let’s have a great time tonight and remember the good times of yesterday.
- Time endears but cannot fade the memories that friends have made.
- Class of ‘05 – We’re never going to have another one of these. May as well start the night off right with a giant jug of sangria, amirite?
- There’s a lot of distance between high school and here. But tonight, it doesn’t feel like that much. As grown-up as we may be, there’s something comfortable about coming home.
- One of my favorite things about Instagram is getting to see what you’re up to all over the world. So cool!
- It’s fun to see where everyone is 10 years later, but I would rather see who they actually are today.
- Looking forward to seeing my (insert class year) peeps on Friday. Can’t wait to catch up and see how far we’ve all come.
- “Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.”—Chinese Proverb
- Throwback to our 10th high school reunion last year. It’s never too late to touch base with people from your past.
- You changed, you grew. All that good stuff. The memories are still here
- Do you know who I am? Don’t worry about it… It’s going to be great to see everyone. Definitely worth the trip.
- Few events in life offer the opportunity to go back in time and laugh like a teenager.
- I can’t believe it’s already time for our annual high school reunion. Hope y’all are ready to party
- What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas—unless it’s a blast from your past #HSReunion
- We’re all in this together.
- Don’t worry, I can’t remember your name either.
- To my old high school buddies, here’s to us growing up and never remembering a thing in the first place.
- “Time heals all wounds.”
- Love doesn’t consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together into the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
- “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life” -Joyce Sweeney
- Funny captions for a high school reunion with quotes
- Where did our time go?
- Good times never end. They stay with you forever.
- “The people you went to high school with are the longest group of friends and AA group you’ll ever have because there is no other period of your life where a bunch of random people was your nearest and dearest. It
- Let’s do the time warp again! This weekend is your high school reunion. Relive the glory days in your photo booth picture, or get nostalgic with this caption from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”.
- Taking a class reunion to make you feel nostalgic, like your high school days are not over yet.
- If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast . . . And always will be. — Ernest Heming
- “A trip to nostalgia now and then is good for the spirit.” -Don Bartolovic
- Four years is a long time, but you can never really conquer the drama that happens in high school reunions.
- “The main thing is just don’t fake it, be yourself, and everything else will fall into place.” – Steve Jobs
- Reunions don’t happen because you want them to–they happen because they were always meant to.
- Reunions aren’t only for high school, but for anyone in any field who has moved away from their old friends and wants to catch up–not to mention for everyone who is a little bit curious about what the other people from their class are
- It’s always better the second time around, right?
- Getting together with old friends is like going home for the holidays! What better way to celebrate than with Big Girl wine and a big plate of nachos? #TGIO
High School Reunion Captions for Instagram
- When you’re apart, no matter where you are in the world. We’ll always have #HSR
- When your friends don’t try to hold you back but uplift and support you every step of the way @iam.sophiehaydens #Goals
- Who would have thought that all these years later, we’d be right where we started—living in the same town?
- When you’re flying from coast to coast, you know what really keeps you going? That when you land, you’ll be back with your friends. Here’s to the memories that last a lifetime.
- “There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.” -Nelson Mandela
- Saw you on the reunion circuit last year, hope all is well.
- It doesn’t matter if you haven’t talked in years. As soon as that door opens, it’s like you picked up exactly where you left off two decades ago.
- This is like living in a Throwback Thursday.
- Kelly’s sweet sixteen was the talk of high school. And now? It’s just the talk.
- It’s always the right time to reach out to old friends and acquaintances, don’t you think? I do. #25yrs #highschoolreunion
- 15 year high school reunion was today! Here’s to seeing everyone with a few layers on.
- What a fun night! Thank you to everyone who made it out and brought the 90s vibe . Can’t believe we are all high school grads now. Time flies when you’re having fun #highschoolreunion
- Reunions are about celebrating, remembering old relationships and meeting new friends.
- Hey there, hot tea.
- You can’t sit with us.
- I remember our sleigh rides and snowball fights and staying up late, yakking about the future. I miss those late nights. See you at the reunion?
- Let’s face it—your high school reunion is a time to show off how cute your kids are.
- “With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.” -William Shakespeare
- Congratulations to the class of 2002, 15 years strong! We are so proud of you… and still, miss those nights at @thetigerden!
- Throwback to high school when the love of my life and I were going steady.
- “Man plans and God laughs ”
- Stressed, well-dressed, and coffee obsessed.
- The best part of high school is that you get to keep your friends
- OK, so we’re back in the same small town and probably still doing the same old things. But I have to say that it feels pretty good to be here.
- “Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” –Dylan Thomas
- We had no idea how intense our friends were until we got to witness them succeed. Slaying since day 1. #ownit #goals
- Life gives us brief moments with another, but sometimes in those brief moment we get memories that last a life time.
- Reuniting with old friends is like falling in love all over again. – Josh Billings
- Friends and family say I’m cool
- It’s weird seeing you here. I thought it was just a dream…
- High school was the best time of my life. #reunion
- Remember when you used to think your future was so bright, you had to wear shades?
- True friends are with you throughout all your eyebrow phases. Through the thick and the thin.
- We were all awkward once, promise. And you look great.
- I can’t believe it’s been so many years since I graduated, but it’s great to see you all again @ (insert name)
- There’s something really comforting about being in a place where everything feels familiar and safe.
- Unbelievably excited for my high school reunion tonight! Hoping for a “10” on the nostalgia scale.
- Plot twist.
- When we meet, it is a beautiful thing.
- The only risk to being great is that you’re left with nothing but your fear of obscurity. All you can do is try things and hope the outcome turns out to be great and most importantly, interesting.
- Got some catching up to do with 1st period. If you’re at the #highschoolreunion in #melbourne, come and say hi!
- Life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone. Steve Jobs
- Reunions are a great time to catch up with old friends but also a great opportunity to celebrate all the paths we’ve taken. Here’s to the next chapter!
Check-Out:⇒ DJ Captions For Instagram
Instagram High School Reunion Captions
- Let’s party tonight — it’s the night all those who weren’t invited call to demand an explanation. #TGIF
- Some of these pictures will make you do a double-take, but we look mighty fine almost 15 years later. #highschoolreunion #weloveyoulucy
- Reunions should bring lots of laughs, a few tears, and maybe even a dance or two.
- Reunions serve as an opportunity to see how you stack up next to your old classmates. It’s the ultimate high school popularity contest!
- We didn’t realize we were making memories. We just knew we were having fun.
- As we whisper to move forward, we can look back, knowing that there are miles to go before we sleep. ~Robert Frost
- Remember when you wondered what amazing things the future held?
- A wonderful time with my classmates. Many thanks to [Company] for the invitation to our A Reunion!!!
- The 10-year high school reunion was such a blast! Memories and friendships are timeless.
- The best antiques to collect are old friends.
- Sometimes I go to a party and forget where I am. Looking around and asking, “Is this the party or is this the party?”
- Time really flies. The last time I saw you, most of us were wearing those oversized t-shirts and you were the only one who was rocking that leather jacket. I’m just glad things are better now, and you seem to be enjoying your new space.
- Looks who’s back in town!! Wait, all of us? – Class of 1999
- Looking back, I realized it was a good thing we were all crazy.
- Time to get nostalgic… “Reunions are a prescription for growing old.” James Baldwin #HighSchoolReunion2018
- Remember that high school reunion, when you thought you’d be richer, thinner, and wiser by age 30? Congrats on your life choices. ️
- Friends buy you lunch. Best friends eat your lunch.
- Beings attract even as they repel.
- It’s been a long time, but I haven’t forgotten. #HSRClassYear
- Reunions are bittersweet, but the memories and lifelong bonds of friendship that you make will keep a smile on your face for years to come.
- One day each of our classes is going to have 10 years to look back on.
- You guys!!! We’re at our high school reunion Can’t believe we all look so good ♥️ #bettertogether
- The awkward but inevitably pleasant non-digital walk down memory lane!
- A quote for a fitness company: The only workout plan you need…is your own.
- Been trading our snacks since day one.” — Unknown
- “We each are a book of secrets, and if we are lucky, an index at the back, describing what’s been missing all along.” ~Markus Zusak
- Turning the clocks back can only mean one thing… high school reunion season is upon us
- It’s the Little Things that make a big difference.
- It’s a beautiful day to not ask me what I’m doing with my life.
- It’s been 35 years since I graduated from high school! Yesterday, I ran into a guy I used to know. “You know what the best thing about you was?” he said, “Your dimples. I
- It’s never too late to be who you might have been.
- I haven’t posted a selfie in a while, but I’m still very cute, just to keep you updated.
- Some reunions are meant to be repeated, others are just happy accidents.
- So happy to see you after all these years! There’s no better time than right now to throw our arms around each other, the past be damned.
- This is where we’re supposed to say we’re not 22 anymore, but you look good.
- In case your memory’s a tad foggy, here’s a quick refresher: We used to look great
- High school reunions happen because you can’t hug a friend on Facebook.
- It’s been too long and our conversation has really improved.
- I’ve outgrown my old friends and I’ve got new ones that are better than ever.
- ‘Do you have a plan?’ ‘I don’t even have a pla.
- Here’s to 10 years of friendship. Cheers!
- For all you graduates headed back to class ☚-
- Hol-eeeee crap you all look great!
Check-Out:⇒ Smile Captions for Instagram
High School Reunion Captions For Photos
- Life is messy. No matter how hard you try to put things in order, there’s a million tiny loose ends and broken pieces. But if you’re lucky, there’ll be someone to help you clean up the mess.
- Wooooo! All my high school friends!
- Celebrating #20yearsofblessings My 20 (of many) #schoolreunion was unreal… and super small. But I did get to see all my peeps from Kindergarten.
- Reunions are like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get. Joey, Friends
- A second chance to decide the legacy you leave behind.
- Hey, #schoolreunion! Good to see you, too.
- Reunions are where everyone shows up older, and then grows younger again as the night goes on.
- Reunions are a great time to catch up and celebrate how far we’ve all come. Kinda like the hairline is doing for my forehead.
- School’s out, Memories past, Don’t ever doubt, Our friendship will last.
- Few things in life are more comforting than the familiar warmth of your own bed. And few places as familiar as High School Reunions.
- We’ve been friends for a long time! #throwbackthursday
- I hope I’ll look like my photoshopped profile pic in time for the reunion!
- Great to see so many people from the past at my high school reunion. We’re a pretty good group – an interesting group. But I would have hung out with the class of ‘92 no matter what. We were a pretty awesome
- Yes, there was a time when I had hair… #morefollowersplease
- Reunions are weird. (Remy Sharp)
- This dress is one I wore to my high school reunion. I was so glad that I could use my favorite old dress again!
- When you thought everything would be easy peasy lemon squeezy, but it’s actually difficult difficult lemon difficult.
- It’s been too long since we laughed this hard.
- Your loss, babe.
- How you look back on high school varies based on who you are.
- Because everyone needs a good catch-up from time to time…
- “We do not remember days; we remember moments.” -Cesare Pavese
- I’m so glad I was with you in high school because as we grow up, I realize now what a blessing it is to have some people who mirror your deepest self.
- Memories are the threads that hold together the patchwork of friendship.
- Good friends are like stars…you don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.
- As they say, life is too short to keep grudges. Maybe we don’t have to be friends but let’s not be enemies either? You should be happy that you made it through high school. You get a new chance today without all
- Friendships are like pumpkin pie: Even when the whipped cream and pecans go away, you still remember that you like pumpkin pie. (by Karen Quinn)
- Funny, how you can go your whole life thinking you’ll only be with one person, and then…whoops.”
- How do you feel when someone hasn’t changed a bit, but you have changed so much?
- You can never go back in time, but you can look forward to the future. – Richard Gere
- Let’s grab a drink, you show off your kids pictures, and we make awkward small talk. And then maybe I’ll propose. You never know. – Old School
- There are two types of people—those who, upon being presented with a glass of champagne, raise it high in the air and shout “Here’s looking at you, kid!” and those who look around nervously, trying to figure out how they got
- Love you more than Kanye loves Kanye. #bestfriendsday
- That’s the kind of problem I want to have.
- My crazy high school friends are a bunch of geniuses #highschoolreunion #friends #goodtimes
- The late nights, the bad decisions, and the best of friends. It’s been a hell of a ride…
- Feels like only yesterday we were in Kindergarten together! We may have aged, but our friendship is forever
- Two decades on this planet have changed me in so many ways, but one thing remains constant: you’re all still friends I’d die to have. And yet here we are, together again!
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